Hello All!
I am very excited to start this blog; I have been working on http://bowerofblisse.blogspot.com/, my makeup blog, for awhile, but it's really a complete surprise that I started a makeup blog before a costuming blog; I've been fascinated with costume since I was very young (dress up was always my favorite game!), and when I was 11 I went to my first Renaissance Faire and discovered that costuming was an acceptable hobby for adults, too! I promptly took it upon myself to learn how to sew, and the rest, as they say, is history! Maybe more literally in this case, since I already had a healthy love of history, and sewing magnified it. I almost think I enjoy researching my projects as much as I enjoy sewing them. And while I love the history end of things, that doesn't mean that I always work in a strictly historically accurate mode; I think it's fun to break the rules and create fantasy "what if" versions of things. First as an inexperienced seamstress, and now as a student, my ability and time have always been constraints in doing things "just so"; however, as I age I am learning patience, and have been inching my way closer and closer to more historical projects.
In any case, welcome to my blog, and I hope you'll follow me on my adventures in sewing! I have a lot of projects planned, although I can't promise I'll get to all of them in the near future. Past projects have included Steampunk, Vampire Victorian, Regency, fantasy, and sci-fi costumes; in the near future, I am planning to embark upon a much-anticipated Late Tudor gown and quickie his-and-hers costumes for an upcoming Star Trek convention. I'll be using this blog for much-needed support, organization of thought, and of course to hold myself accountable for making progress!
Thanks for reading,
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